From the very beginning, I decided on a different model of distribution. My primary goal was the success of
every single person who received the method. To insure that success, I knew that it would be important for me to
have support available to those who needed it, as any book, no matter how well written, may be misinterpreted
by the reader. Answering questions or solving problems was therefore part of my job description. However, I
was concerned that book sales through stores could potentially outpace my ability to offer support, as book
sellers typically have no way to assist the customer with interpreting the fine points of a method book. They
mainly want to move products, a task in which they excel.
So, I hit upon the idea of creating a small network of BE dealers who, through direct experience, were experts in
helping others learn the book. I want to emphasize here that learning the method yourself is not the same as
knowing how to teach others. It takes a different skill set. Therefore, dealers aren't made overnight. It took years
for the right people to show up who had learned the method themselves, and had the necessary combination of
a broad understanding and a strong desire to help others find embouchure success.
In 2001, when the BE book was first introduced, I was obviously the sole dealer. Now there are a few dealers in
different parts of the world, which not only helps spread the support, but has the added benefit of speeding the
delivery time to those who are not close to Dallas, Texas.
Currently, there are dealers in Europe, Canada, and another dealer in the US who specializes in
working with French horn. To contact any of them, please send me an email.
NOTE: Most music store owners are understanding, but there was one in Europe who was upset that I wouldn't
allow him to become a dealer. He sent out negative emails, suggesting that BE was poorly written, and that
success with BE was totally dependent on having the crutch of online support. My experience is just the
opposite, that most players can figure out the method by reading the book and experimenting with the process.
One member of the Trumpet Herald website - where the BE forum is located - even called BE "the Mother of all
self-help methods."
To order the book from me, please read the information below. At this time, there is no way to order
BE via an online form. Some BE dealers may offer Paypal of credit card options. I do not, as I prefer to
stick with checks and money orders. (see exception below*) I mail books out when the order arrives.
No one has ever complained to me about how long that it takes to get the book. It's usually the
opposite - they are delighted with how quickly that it arrives.
*I have started using Chase Quickpay. It is an electronic payment method, and is FREE .
Unfortunately, it can only be used if you have a US account.
For more information: https://www.chase.com/online-banking/quickpay
Book price - $45.00 plus shipping
Shipping within the US - $5.00
Total price within the US - $50.00
Shipping to other countries - $24.00
Total price to other countries - $69.00
Please make your check or
money order payable to
Jeff Smiley, and send to:
Jeff Smiley
PO Box 460136
Garland, TX 75046
NOTE: All shipping is via Priority Mail, from the US Postal Service. Over the years, this
has been extremely reliable. Within the US, it typically takes 2-3 days after shipping for
the book to reach your door. Unfortunately, the USPS price for shipping to other
countries has nearly doubled in recent years. Still, Priority Mail is much cheaper than
other vendors.
(if you play French Horn, or are ordering from Canada
or Europe, contact me before ordering)
The Balanced Embouchure book is not available in stores.
Nor will you find it online at places like Amazon.