Tracks 1-4 are examples of old-time trumpeters/cornetists, who regularly
made use of both the high and low (pedal) register in performance. The
main purpose here is to show that extremes in playing are nothing new.
I had originally planned to put these mp3's up in 2001, but technical
challenges stopped me. Back then, such early tracks were hard to find.
Now, however, all you need to do is search the Internet...
Track 1 - This is an edited (shortened) version of Winfred Kemp playing "Fantasia
Capriccioso" with the US Marine Band, 1934. Along with unreal technique, he demonstrates
both his range and use of pedal tones.
Some comments, from Arthur Lehman about the solo: "Although I never played in the Marine
Band with Kemp, I did often hear him on radio broadcasts in the 1930s, as well as in the one
Marine Band tour concert I attended in 1938, and of course, there is his fantastic solo
recording of Fantasia Capriccioso, which is a stunning performance, especially when one
considers that it was recorded after three hours of a recording session were over. One side
of six sides was empty and he was assigned to fill that side with his solo. He played it without
preparation, without notice, just on the spur of the moment, as it were. Yet, it is a
masterpiece, in my opinion."
Track 2 - British trumpeter George Swift, playing his own composition, "Elfriede," an ode to
his wife. Details about Swift are on Ole Utnes' excellent web page.
No pedals here, but wow, Swift dazzles with everything else. Recorded in 1938, I got this cut
from a tape originally compiled by Glen Bridges, the author of Pioneers In Brass. Claude
Gordon loved that book - he had multiple copies. If you haven't read it, you are in for a treat,
assuming that you can find it. The book had it's most recent incarnation as a CD ROM, and
therein lies a story, as told by Bridges' nephew...
Track 3 - Going further in the wayback machine, this is Bohumir Kryl, playing his self-titled
"Kryl's Favorite," recorded with the Edison Band in 1901. Vintage Kryl.
Track 4 - Kryl again, with a pedal version of Carnival of Venice, 1905. Yipes!
Tracks 5-7 are excerpts of my students
Track 5 - Carl had a great work ethic. He had very little natural chops, but eventually worked
his way into playing lead for the Texas All-State Jazz Band. This is an excerpt of "Give It One"
from 2004. Carl recorded it with the Dallas Area Youth Jazz Orchestra (DAYJO), a group that
I directed for almost 20 years. Carl was 18 years old.
Track 6 - Another DAYJO recording, this is Roger's solo from "Midnight Cowboy," recorded
in 2003. He also was 18.
Track 7 - I started teaching James as a 16 year old. He had a weak high C. Two years later,
he could play to double D every day. I'm guessing this recording was around 1993, as James
had just graduated high school, and had stepped right into the lead chair in college. It's an
excerpt of "Who Can I Turn To?", recorded with the Abilene Christian College Jazz Band.
Yes, I think that he overdubbed those last three high notes!